XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019: Call for Sessions is Open!

Wed, 05/30/2018 - 15:10

Deadline for proposals: 1 August 2018

The Congress Scientific Committee invites submission of session proposals for the 2019 IUFRO World Congress. In keeping with the spirit of the Congress title – Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development ‐ the Congress Scientific Committee is developing a program that will highlight the contributions that forest science is making to address the significant environmental, social and economic challenges facing our world. The Congress program will reflect the forest science community’s diverse contributions across the full range of natural and social science disciplines, with special emphasis on key issues and research areas identified in IUFRO’s 2015‐2019 Strategy (https://www.iufro.org/discover/strategy/)


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Download full instructions for the call of sessions proposal

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2019 IUFRO_Call for Session Proposals.pdf 945.75 KB
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