Demonstrating techniques of natural forest rehabilitation in Kakamega, Kibiri, Gwassi, Wire & Homa Hills

Fri, 07/16/2010 - 13:48

Deforestation has become one of the greatest threats to biodiversity conservation, rural
livelihoods and wealth creation, particularly in the tropics. On average, the global rate of
deforestation has been estimated at 14.6 million hectares yr-1 over the past decade. In
Kenya, the area under closed-canopy forest decreased from 2.8% to 1.7% during this
period. The main causes of deforestation have been identified as illegal encroachment,
overexploitation of forest products and forest fires. Rehabilitating these degraded forests
requires sound understanding of principles of woody species recruitment and forest
regrowth following deforestation. In particular, forest managers require information on
the spatial and temporal forest community dynamics following site disturbance in order
to initiate intervention strategies necessary to accelerate forest regeneration. Over the past
3 years, the Kenya Forestry Research Institute, working in partnership with the Kenya
Forest Service and local community groups, has initiated research activities aimed at
demonstrating techniques of natural forest rehabilitation in degraded forests in western
Kenya. This report outlines natural forest rehabilitation activities carried out in Kibiri,
Gwassi, Wire and Homa hills during Quarter 3 of 2008 / 09 financial year.

Responsible party
Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)